My Best Friend
Day 4: My Best Friend
”This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.“
John 15:12-15 NKJV
Prayer: Dear God, You have been with me before I knew you. You have guided me and protected me before you even came across my mind. I grew up questioning you, but you never got offended. I mocked you, but you never got angry. I tried to ignore you, but you kept showing up whenever I needed you. I can remember the first day I saw ME for who I was, and I didn't like myself. But you comforted me and made me feel good about who i was and helped me love all of things about me i wanted to hate. It was that day, I heard you and ran after you to hear more from you. It was that day you showed me all my faults and all your glory at the same time through your mercy. I am forever in your debt, and I am forever grateful. I promised you I would be your servant all my life. Since then, I have tried to serve you with all my heart and soul. Then, one day, when I knew I truly had grown to love you, you called out to me once again. It was that day when I heard your soft spoken voice tell me; I was no longer your servant... but your friend. Wow! Your friend! (Still hard to believe) And yet, My Best Friend!
John 15:12-15 NKJV
Prayer: Dear God, You have been with me before I knew you. You have guided me and protected me before you even came across my mind. I grew up questioning you, but you never got offended. I mocked you, but you never got angry. I tried to ignore you, but you kept showing up whenever I needed you. I can remember the first day I saw ME for who I was, and I didn't like myself. But you comforted me and made me feel good about who i was and helped me love all of things about me i wanted to hate. It was that day, I heard you and ran after you to hear more from you. It was that day you showed me all my faults and all your glory at the same time through your mercy. I am forever in your debt, and I am forever grateful. I promised you I would be your servant all my life. Since then, I have tried to serve you with all my heart and soul. Then, one day, when I knew I truly had grown to love you, you called out to me once again. It was that day when I heard your soft spoken voice tell me; I was no longer your servant... but your friend. Wow! Your friend! (Still hard to believe) And yet, My Best Friend!
Posted in Week of 1/8 Devotionals
No Looking BackLeapThink - Your Actions Will FollowMy Best FriendThe Good FightDon't Lose SightKilling ComparisonFully ConvincedExecution Bring GloryTrust HimPut Away All DistractionRemember Who and Whose You AreAlignmentCorrect Your Posture: Seek GodRE-posture your Mentality and STANDGoing Against All OddsShinePressing OnwardOvercoming FearOvercoming AnxietyGo Forward
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