Holy Saturday
"The next day, that is, after the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate and said, “Sir, we remember how that impostor said, while he was still alive, After three days I will rise.’ Therefore order the tomb to be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples go and steal him away and tell the people, ‘He has risen from the dead,’ and the last fraud will be worse than the first.” Pilate said to them, “You have a guard of soldiers. Go, make it as secure as you can.” So they went and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone and setting a guard."
Matthew 27:62-66
Oh but I thought you didn't believe? The text in Matthew displays the inner thoughts of the Pharisees. They kept denying who Jesus was but in the end considered; what if he is telling the truth? So, to ease their minds a guard was sent to watch the tomb.
We have people watching us because they have considered; what if we're obedient and follow through. The enemy keeps his eyes on us so he can strategically take you down! Let your watchers sweat and see the power of God in you.
Dear God we thank you for your protection in the midst of our isolation. Help us to appreciate the pruning process so we can strengthen our connection to you. We thank you for the preparation and rebuilding necessary for when you roll back our tomb. We thank you in advance that we will no longer be the same. In Jesus name. Amen.
No Looking BackLeapThink - Your Actions Will FollowMy Best FriendThe Good FightDon't Lose SightKilling ComparisonFully ConvincedExecution Bring GloryTrust HimPut Away All DistractionRemember Who and Whose You AreAlignmentCorrect Your Posture: Seek GodRE-posture your Mentality and STANDGoing Against All OddsShinePressing OnwardOvercoming FearOvercoming AnxietyGo Forward
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