Killing Comparison

Day 8: Killing Comparison

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.  
1 Corinthians 12:4-7

Comparison isn’t new. It may seem like it because of social media. But it isn’t new. All of our lives we have in some shape or form longed for what someone else had. Whether it was nicer crayons or colored pencils, a bigger room, the latest phone like your friend has, a better first car, longer hair, fuller lips, or smaller waist. As you grow older, that comparison shifts to your career, your gifts and talents, and even your responsibilities. You’ve been given these awesome gifts and talents from God, discovering them seems good for a moment, until you encounter someone with a much greater gift than yours (in your eyes).
I have seen comparison in many lights:
  1. “My gift isn’t grand, big, or gives reason for applause so I’m nothing special” 
  2. “I recognize that this gift is special but I know far more people who can do this better than I can”
  3. “I don't have the resources he/she has so this will never work”

We expose our insecurities, lack of faith in God, and our lack of appreciation and honor to our gifts when we speak like those three quotes above. The three steps in overcoming imposter syndrome is changing your perception, your language, and your heart. Change how you see yourself and your gift/talents. Speak against your insecurities because they are a lie. You might ask, “Why do I need to change my heart?” Have you ever given a gift to someone who completely unappreciated what you gave them? You watched how they talked down on what you gave them, you saw their body language, and their lack of regard to say thank you. Imagine how God feels every time you allow your insecurity to rise causing you not to use the gift he placed inside you. Ask God to change your heart.

1 Corinthians 12: The downfalls of comparison
  1. Comparison can hinder you from discovering and perfecting your own personal gift. Don’t spend time perfecting someone else’s!
  2. Compassion kills the joy you can experience seeing God work through you. It is the same God working in you that’s working in everyone else.
  3. The Body of Christ as a whole is at lesser value when you don’t play your part. Don’t be too busy trying to be a hand when God called you to be a foot!
  4. Verse 22: “On the contrary, the parts of the body that SEEM to be weaker are indispensable,” (ESV) Indispensable means absolutely necessary. Just because you aren’t the praise and worship leader doesn’t mean your administrative gifts are not just as important. 

Challenge: Sit down with God and write down ALL your gifts (both practical and spiritual). Don’t shy away from the things you don’t like doing. I may not enjoy doing administrative work but I can honestly say that I’m good at it. Truth be told you may not enjoy operating in your gift all the time but if you're focused on perfection for your own recognition then your focus is wrong anyway. The purpose should always be God getting His Glory and the value you bring to the body of Christ. “Perfection is not in the eye of the beholder, perfection is in the eye of the Creator.” - Nona Jones 

Listen to “Creativity (ft. Frederick Ward Jr.) by Journeys Music”


Shameka - January 15th, 2024 at 2:27pm

What if you truly don't know your gifts? Especially spiritually? I know I don't know mine spiritually but even practically I don't know what they are. My life is consumed with things I'm forced to do which may give an impression I'm good at it or like to do it.... And as you mentioned being good or bad doesn't mean it's your gift. And ok I can ask God, but what if my ear to hear is in training? 😮‍💨 some of us are not deep in our relationship with God and struggle with the simple things that make us His children. So what do we do when we're seeking answers?

Dexter Polnitz - January 15th, 2024 at 6:43pm

Hey B-Line. Discovering your prarical gift is pretty easy. It is usually something you are comfortable with, and often enjoy. However, your spiritual gifts are not as easily identified, especially when you don't have a close relationship with God. The best way to identify spiritual gifts, when your relationship with God is not a close as you want it, is to involve yourself in various ministries and eventually, it will reveal itself on its own.

Shameka - January 15th, 2024 at 6:49pm

Thanks P Dex 👍🏾 that'll work