Competing For Your Time
Psalm 102:1-2
"Hear my prayer, O Lord,
And let my cry come to You.
Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my trouble;
Incline Your ear to me;
In the day that I call, answer me speedily.'
Time management has always been a thorn in my foot. You would understand this, especially if you are a high functioning individual and wear multiple hats throughout the day. It feels like everyone and everything around you is requesting and even competing for your time. Even on the days that I do conquer time management, the burden of the competition for my time still weighs heavy. If you say yes to something, you also say no to something else. We know that balance is essential but deciding what to place in front of you as the main point of your focus during every moment of the day can be hard, so yes, it weighs heavy!
But in trying to do better with time management, I have noticed a pattern. The days that I start my morning truly inclining my ear towards God, and giving my Lord the first of my time that competes with me for the rest of the day, the burden of that time competition is lighter. My decision making of what thing or move to place in front of the other is better. I’m reminded that even when the day starts out with troubles and anxiety, God is still facing us and his ears are turned to us. We just need to STOP! And give God the first of your competing time! Call on God first! Cry out to him before all of your responsibilities cry out to you! And then, make those decisions for the rest of the day.
Remember, God is the father and creator of time. So if you want favor with time throughout the day, give God a portion of your time first, seek him eagerly! Read, Pray and Meditate.
"Hear my prayer, O Lord,
And let my cry come to You.
Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my trouble;
Incline Your ear to me;
In the day that I call, answer me speedily.'
Time management has always been a thorn in my foot. You would understand this, especially if you are a high functioning individual and wear multiple hats throughout the day. It feels like everyone and everything around you is requesting and even competing for your time. Even on the days that I do conquer time management, the burden of the competition for my time still weighs heavy. If you say yes to something, you also say no to something else. We know that balance is essential but deciding what to place in front of you as the main point of your focus during every moment of the day can be hard, so yes, it weighs heavy!
But in trying to do better with time management, I have noticed a pattern. The days that I start my morning truly inclining my ear towards God, and giving my Lord the first of my time that competes with me for the rest of the day, the burden of that time competition is lighter. My decision making of what thing or move to place in front of the other is better. I’m reminded that even when the day starts out with troubles and anxiety, God is still facing us and his ears are turned to us. We just need to STOP! And give God the first of your competing time! Call on God first! Cry out to him before all of your responsibilities cry out to you! And then, make those decisions for the rest of the day.
Remember, God is the father and creator of time. So if you want favor with time throughout the day, give God a portion of your time first, seek him eagerly! Read, Pray and Meditate.
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