(Bonus) Day 25: Seeking Wisdom

(Bonus) Day 25: Seeking  Wisdom

"Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding."
Proverbs 4:7 

Moving forward wisely requires seeking God’s wisdom through prayer, studying His Word, and seeking counsel from others. We often haphazardly go about our walk with Christ; hoping things will fall into place. How can they when there is no thought or guidance? We need to be intentional and seek God daily. Every day we are presented with different challenges and attacks. Its through actively seeking wisdom we can strategically withstand any obstacle and have the victory. Let us use the tools God has provided us to win: stay in your word, stay before him in prayer, and praise him in advance for the downloading of his wisdom.

Heavenly Father, help us to be more like you. We come before you on today seeking wisdom. We know we cannot rely on our thoughts and ways alone. Lord we cannot do this walk without you. We thank you in advance for blessing us with wisdom; so we can walk a Godly life that is pleasing to you. In Jesus name. Amen.

1 Comment

Shameka - February 1st, 2024 at 7:43pm

Amen 🙌🏾 I was legit sitting here asking God for His way (wisdom) on something.