
Day 19: Shine

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16


The scripture above is the passage that most believers have heard thousands of times. This is so common that it is typically overlooked. Being the light and shining it before people is much more easier said than done. What happens if I am currently in a state where I am not happy with the people that I am around? What if I don’t like my job, my home or my environment? what if I am extremely tired and do not feel like shining? What if I do not feel encouraged and feel like I do not have any fuel in me to shine before anybody?

However, there is one thing that makes you different from any other human on this planet, you have the Holy Spirit. Take on an opportunity today to pray and literally meditate and connect with God through the Holy Spirit. You are connected to the vine that created you and knows all that you have inside as well as all that you have to offer this world so TAP IN! Make the connection with the Holy Spirit and intervene with God, and allow him to be the source from which you shine. Decide to be excellent, and move with excellence not for anybody else but because you are an ambassador for his kingdom! Shine even though you don’t feel like it! Move with excellence, even though those around you do not deserve it because God certainly does. Allow others to see him today through you and your works.


Tatiana - January 26th, 2024 at 8:20am

"Make the connection with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to be the source from which you shine" Barrrrsssssss! lol

Richard Harper - January 26th, 2024 at 10:34am

Thanks for such encouragement truly appreciate and needed